비트는 비타민, 미네랄, 질산염, 항산화 성분이 풍부한 뿌리채소로, 혈압 조절, 혈관 건강, 피로 회복, 면역력 강화 등에 탁월한 효과가 있어요!
💡 “비트 = 천연 혈관 청소부! 건강을 위해 꼭 챙겨 먹어야 할 채소예요!”
✅ 베타인(항산화 성분) → 혈관 보호, 간 건강 개선
✅ 질산염(NO3) → 혈압 조절, 혈액순환 촉진
✅ 철분 → 빈혈 예방 & 혈액 생성
✅ 엽산 → 세포 재생 & 태아 건강 (임산부 필수)
✅ 칼륨 → 나트륨 배출 & 고혈압 예방
✅ 비타민 C → 면역력 강화 & 피부 미용
✅ 식이섬유 → 장 건강 & 변비 예방
💡 고혈압이 있다면 비트즙을 꾸준히 마시면 도움 돼요!
💡 철분 흡수율을 높이려면 비트와 함께 오렌지, 레몬 같은 비타민 C 함유 음식을 섭취하세요!
💡 운동 전 비트 주스를 마시면 운동 능력이 향상된다는 연구 결과도 있어요!
💡 술 마신 다음 날, 비트즙을 마시면 숙취 해소에 좋아요!
💡 특히 감기 예방 & 피부 건강에도 좋아요!
💡 비트를 꾸준히 먹으면 장이 건강해지고 변비가 사라져요!
✅ 비트즙 or 비트 스무디로 마시기 (운동 전 추천!)
✅ 비트 샐러드(올리브오일, 치즈, 견과류와 함께!)
✅ 비트 수프 or 비트 피클로 활용 가능
⚠ 과다 섭취 시 혈압이 너무 낮아질 수 있음
⚠ 신장 결석(옥살산염 결석)이 있는 경우 주의!
💡 비트 1/2~1개 (100~150g) or 비트즙 1컵 (200ml) 정도가 적당
⚠ 과다 섭취 시 혈압 저하, 속쓰림, 신장 결석 위험 증가
⚠ 비트를 먹고 소변 or 대변이 붉어질 수 있으나 정상 현상!
✔ 고혈압 & 심혈관 질환이 있는 사람
✔ 빈혈이 있거나 철분 보충이 필요한 사람
✔ 운동 능력 향상을 원하는 사람
✔ 간 건강 & 해독이 필요한 사람
✔ 장 건강 & 변비 개선이 필요한 사람
👉 “천연 혈관 청소부 비트를 꾸준히 섭취하세요!” 🍠💜
Beet Benefits (Superfood, Natural Blood Vessel Cleanser!)
Beets are root vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, nitrates, and antioxidants, and are excellent for blood pressure control, blood vessel health, fatigue recovery, and strengthening immunity!
💡 “Beets = Natural Blood Vessel Cleanser! This is a vegetable you must eat for your health!”
✅ Betaine (antioxidant) → Protects blood vessels, improves liver health
✅ Nitrates (NO3) → Controls blood pressure, promotes blood circulation
✅ Iron → Prevents anemia & blood production
✅ Folic acid → Cell regeneration & fetal health (essential for pregnant women)
✅ Potassium → Excretes sodium & prevents high blood pressure
✅ Vitamin C → Strengthens immunity & improves skin
✅ Dietary fiber → Intestinal health & prevents constipation
✅ 1) Controls blood pressure & improves cardiovascular health
Nitrate dilates blood vessels → lowers blood pressure
Improves blood circulation & prevents heart disease and stroke
Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) → Maintains blood vessel health
💡 If you have high blood pressure, drinking beet juice regularly will help!
✅ 2) Blood production & prevents anemia
Iron + folic acid promotes red blood cell production → prevents anemia
Essential nutrients for women & pregnant women in particular
💡 To increase iron absorption, eat foods containing vitamin C such as oranges and lemons along with beets!
✅ 3) Fatigue recovery & improved exercise capacity
Nitrate increases muscle oxygen supply → improves endurance
If you drink it after exercise, it helps recover from fatigue & increases recovery speed
💡 There are also research results that say that drinking beet juice before exercise improves exercise capacity!
✅ 4) Improved liver health & detoxification
Betaine prevents liver fat accumulation → prevents fatty liver
Promotes liver detoxification & toxin discharge → relieves hangovers
💡 Drinking beet juice the day after drinking alcohol is good for hangovers!
✅ 5) Strengthens immunity & antioxidant effects
Vitamin C & betaine remove active oxygen → increases immunity
Relieves inflammation & prevents aging
💡 It is especially good for preventing colds & skin health!
✅ 6) Intestinal health & prevents constipation
Rich in dietary fiber, it promotes intestinal movement → relieves constipation
Increases beneficial intestinal bacteria → improves digestive function
💡 If you eat beets regularly, your intestines will be healthy and constipation will disappear!
✔ How to eat them healthily
✅ Drink beet juice or beet smoothie (recommended before exercise!)
✅ Beet salad (with olive oil, cheese, and nuts!)
✅ Can be used as beet soup or beet pickle
✔ How to avoid
⚠ Excessive consumption may cause blood pressure to drop too much
⚠ Be careful if you have kidney stones (oxalate stones)!
💡 1/2~1 beet (100~150g) or 1 cup of beet juice (200ml) is appropriate
⚠ Excessive consumption may cause blood pressure to drop, heartburn, and increase the risk of kidney stones
⚠ Beets may cause red urine or stool after eating them, but this is normal!
💡 Conclusion: Beets, who are good for them?
✔ People with high blood pressure & cardiovascular disease
✔ People with anemia or needing iron supplements
✔ People who want to improve exercise capacity
✔ People who need liver health & detoxification
✔ People who need to improve intestinal health & constipation
👉 “Consume beets, a natural blood vessel cleaner, consistently!” 🍠💜
🍫 카카오닙스 효능 – 천연 항산화제 & 슈퍼푸드! 카카오닙스는 로스팅한 카카오빈(코코아 원두)를 잘게 부순 형태로,…