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✅ Benefits of Arugula
Arugula is a green leafy vegetable with a tangy taste and aroma, rich in nutrients and providing various health benefits.
Antioxidant effect
Rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin K, it removes oxygen radicals and prevents cell damage.
Helps prevent aging and strengthen immunity.
Anticancer effect
Arugula contains glucosinolate, which helps prevent cancer.
In particular, its effects in preventing lung cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer have been studied.
Improved cardiovascular health
It is rich in potassium, which helps excrete sodium, so it is beneficial for blood pressure control.
It helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and prevents arteriosclerosis.
Strengthens bone health
Rich in vitamin K, it promotes calcium absorption and helps maintain bone density.
It has the effect of preventing osteoporosis.
Improved digestion and intestinal health
Rich in dietary fiber, it facilitates digestion and promotes intestinal movement.
Helps prevent constipation and increase intestinal beneficial bacteria.
Protects eye health
Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, protects the retina and helps prevent macular degeneration.
Good for relieving eye fatigue caused by long-term use of electronic devices.
Weight management and diet effects
Low in calories and high in dietary fiber that gives a feeling of fullness, so it is useful for dieting.
Contains essential amino acids and antioxidants that help burn fat.
📌 How to consume arugula
✔ Eat raw in salads
✔ Use as a topping for pizza, pasta, and sandwiches
✔ Make a smoothie or juice
✔ Eat as a side dish to meat dishes
👉 Consuming fresh arugula regularly is very beneficial to your health! 😊
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